In this topic we will discuss the advantages of a jailbroken iPhone:
CydiaThis app source gives you access to MANY apps, unavailable in the App Store but can make a big difference on your iPhone 3G. The app is a must for downloading the other iPhone apps below. Below we will highlight some of the most convenient Apps from Cydia.
BossprefsBossprefs is a swicthboard tool that allows you to individually turn on/off 3G, Edge, Wifi, Bluetooth and your email accounts. This can be a big advantage if you want to save on the, already short, battery life of your phone.
Bossprefs also has a "Spoof" feature which allows you to hide any of the default Apple icons on your springboard (e.g. Youtube, Calendar, Notes, iTunes etc.)
Finally one of the most convenient add-ons for this app is the
KB-AutoCorrect plugin (also available on Cydia). This add-on gives you he opportunity to disable the sometimes frustrating Auto Correct feature for writing text messages. For me this was one of the first things I installed on my iPhone, a must for anyone who is bothered by the Autocorrect feature!
MxTubeMxTube allows any user to download and save any youtube video directly on your iPhone 3G! NICE HUH?!
SnaptureSnapture is an advanced camera app that gives you many more options than the original iPhone Camera app. With Snapture users can customize the photo setting like black and white modus, sepia, zoom function and timer function.
Text+, biteSMS and iRealSMSThese apps are a great replacement and/or addition for your standard SMS app.
Text+ gives the iPhone user the ability to forward any text message to either a mail address or phone#.
BiteSMS and
iRealSMS are paid, more advanced SMS programs which give the user a landscape sms keyboard mode, sms forwarding, quick reply, sms counter and smileys.
BiteSMS also gives the option to send cheaper SMS messages via the biteSMS network!
Backgrounder & InsomniaBackgrounder is a wonderful app that allows users to run any app in background mode. Especially useful for Apps like Skype and Fring. You can let your messaging software run and still be able to use the other apps on your iPhone! This app is a must for any messaging freak! One advice: do run too many apps in background mode because it slows down the performance of your iPhone.
Insomnia gives you the ability to run your wifi connection in standby mode! (of course this decreases the battery life of your phone)